Welcome to the Nishma Hollywood and Sinai Discussion Forum blog.

The Corner of Hollywood and Sinai is a regular column on the Nishma website
in which Dodi-Lee Hecht comments on recent movies with a view from the Torah perspective

If you have a comment on an article within this column, we invite you to place your comments here; then we invite everyone to join the discussion.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Link to article on the Nishma website.

1 comment:

  1. schweitzer@axxent.caJune 16, 2010 at 10:03 AM

    Hollywood loves victimized Jews

    In reviewing Munich it is important to remember three important facts: 1) The book "Vengeance" by George Jonas which is the source for the movie, is based on a fraud. The Israeli who claimed to be one of the Mossad agents that gave over the story to Jonas lied. He was a taxi driver with a hyperactive imagination. 2) The climactic statement by Golda Meir referred to in the review is a fiction. Meir never said those word. In fact, the historical record shows quite the opposite. The quote was put in her mouth by syncophantic leftist Hollywood Jews who are always uncomfortable with the thought that Judaism might not countenance eternal victimhood. 3) The screenplay was written by a man who is on record wishing that Israel had never been created. He brings this bias to the movie. The bottom line is that Steven Spielberg, like his fellow Hollywood Jews, is comfortable with a certain image of our people: the victim. Schindler's List is the ideal movie for Spielberg. Innocent Jews suffer and die having commited no crime. Munich is the ultimate embarrassment for him. Instead of bewailing their fate, Jews decide not to take it anymore and strike back against their enemies. They refuse to accept the Arab lie that a fictional people called Palestinians own their land and decide to defend their stake, something the left has never supported. Munich is not a movie a believing or historically aware Jew could ever take seriously.
